Why coach on-line? In view of the current COVID-19 lockdown and to prepare for a post-pandemic world, we are offering an on-line option for our on-demand Physics coaching program. From now on, clients can opt to have their Physics coaching
Jessie is a bright intern at B*Stars, a company specializing in virus test kits and vaccines. In collaboration with renowned research institutions, the company is working in overdrive to search for a cure to combat the Coronavirus pandemic. To date,
Given the uncertainty regarding the current COVID-19 situation, we have decided it’s best to cancel the Live Demo event on 27 Feb 2020. We will schedule another Live Demo session when the situation improves. Please check our Events page or JTC websites/bulletin for updates.
Here’s the suggested worked solution to the 2019 Cambridge International Exam H2 Physics (9749) Paper 1. To download your free copy of the complete worked solutions, simply fill and submit the form below.
The First Step is to learn Python, an open-source simple and powerful language that is widely used in many domains, particularly in Data Science. Python has a huge repertoire of supporting libraries (a.k.a. frameworks) for all kinds of applications, including Machine Learning.
IntegrateDots is honored and privileged to partner with JTC on a community building initiative. Join us in this Live Demo session on Excel Dashboards and VBA Automation. Be inspired by stunning Dashboards built with Excel. Be amazed by huge productivity gains achieved with VBA!
GOOD NEWS! Enjoy 20% discount off our popular workshops when you sign up for COMBO DEALS @NUSS. Classes are kept small for optimal learning. Places are limited. Register early for your spot! Please contact Jocelyn Tan at 65863744 or email jocelyntan@nuss.org.sg.
k-Means is a simple and popular unsupervised machine learning clustering algorithm, commonly used for market segmentation. The algorithm computes the distance squared between each data point and each cluster centroid. Then each data point is assigned to the nearest cluster.
Another awesome framework (a.k.a library) in Python is scikit-learn. The framework provides a simple and consistent API for data modeling and analytics. With scikit-learn, it is easy to implement key machine learning algorithms e.g. Multivariate Regression, Naives Bayes, Neural Network, … etc.
NEW Equipping Series – Data Analytics! To kick start this new equipping series, we will be conducting a 2-hour talk Analytics for Busy Executives at Kent Ridge Guild House @NUSS on 25 June 2019 (Tue), 7.30 to 9.30 pm.