The Python language has gained prominence and popularity. Its simple, clear and concise syntax has endeared Python to many developers, especially first-time programmers. Moreover, Python’s repertoire of readily available libraries (on Data Frames, Matrices, Graphical Plots, Machine Learning)
Identify Donald Trump’s tweets with Naive Bayes
Donald John Trump, 45th president of the United States of America, is a prolific twitter with a following of more than 20 million. Could we use a simple machine learning algorithm to identify if a given tweet is from Donald Trump? Yes!
Webinar – Automate Mundane Tasks!
BRAND NEW WEBINAR SERIES ON VBA! Exclusively for the SMU Alumni & Staff! In collaboration with Singapore Management University (SMU), we are launching our brand new Zoom webinar series Automate Mundane Tasks on 14 August 2020 (Friday) from 5 to 6 pm.
Webinar – Cool Interactive Dashboards!
BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! We are not going to let a virus stop us from holding Live Demos. In collaboration with NUSS, our first Zoom webinar Cool Interactive Dashboards will be held on 18 Jun 2020 (Thursday) from 3 to 4
Tracking Coronavirus Pandemic
Jessie is a bright intern at B*Stars, a company specializing in virus test kits and vaccines. In collaboration with renowned research institutions, the company is working in overdrive to search for a cure to combat the Coronavirus pandemic. To date,
Determine the number of Iris species with k-Means
k-Means is a simple and popular unsupervised machine learning clustering algorithm, commonly used for market segmentation. The algorithm computes the distance squared between each data point and each cluster centroid. Then each data point is assigned to the nearest cluster.
Predictive Analytics using Multivariate Regression
Another awesome framework (a.k.a library) in Python is scikit-learn. The framework provides a simple and consistent API for data modeling and analytics. With scikit-learn, it is easy to implement key machine learning algorithms e.g. Multivariate Regression, Naives Bayes, Neural Network, … etc.
Financial Planning Dashboard
Jerome is an accomplished Chartered Financial Planner. In order to stand out from the other CFPs in the marketplace, he is going to upend his consulting services by leveraging on dashboards as a communication tool. He wants to share with
Climate Change Analysis with Matplotlib
Matplotlib is another simple and popular module used in Python programs. By importing the rich Matplotlib ( library module, you will be able to produce quality customized plots easily. In this case study, we examine if there is an uptick
Professional Development Series @ SMU
IntegrateDots is delighted to participate in the Professional Development Series @ Singapore Management University. On 17 October 2018 (Wed), from 7 pm to 8.30 pm, we will be delivering a live demo on Excel Dashboards & VBA Automation. In this