Equipping: Essential Communications with Dashboards
Type: Talk
Duration: 2 hours
Target Audience: Professionals who need to communicate critical information at a glance.
Synopsis: Learn to communicate information visually through a Dashboard, a visual communication tool to provide at-a-glance view into key performance indicators. Talk begins with a segment to discuss the mechanics of Human vision and its limitations. These limitations must to be taken into consideration while designing an effective dashboard. Principles of good dashboard design are discussed and demonstrated using case studies built for different applications and industries.
Speaker: Eric Hong (MBA, MSc, BEng, PGDE) has worked more than 10 years at US MNCs in business and engineering. He has lectured at tertiary institutions in software development, engineering and Physics. Eric is an engineer, educator and entrepreneur. He is the founder of IntegrateDots, a consulting and training company in data science and customized software applications.

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