For a limited time only, we are offering to conduct 3 popular demos for your organization for FREE*. These one-hour demos are not only fun and amazing to watch, but they will inspire new ideas!
* Terms and conditions apply
Demo 1: Cool Interactive Dashboards
Wished you could wow your audience with cool and interactive Dashboards in your presentation? Do you need to buy expensive tools to build these snazzy Dashboards? Nope, all you need is Microsoft Excel!
In this 1-hour session, we will demo 5 cool & interactive Excel dashboard applications on –
- Google analytics
- class performance
- HR analytics
- coronavirus tracker
- MRT passenger traffic

Demo 2: Automate Mundane Tasks
Tired of manually cranking out error-riddled mundane reports? Why not automate away these boring tasks? Be amazed at what VBA can do to boost work productivity. Work less but accomplish more!
In this 1-hour session, we will demo 4 real life VBA automation applications to –
- parse names from a worksheet based on a complex set of criteria
- transform and reformat a worksheet so that it becomes pivotable
- bulletproof against invalid user inputs with a simple and effective Graphical User Interface
- automate graph construction in Excel and then copy the graph onto an exact location in a Word report

Demo 3: Wonders of Machine Learning
What is Machine Learning? Is ML the sole purview of the data scientists and software engineers? How easy would it be for a lay person to understand and build a ML application? By using the open-source Python language and the Scikit-learn framework, a practical and robust ML model can be built quickly.
In this 1-hour session, we will demo 3 ML applications to determine –
- if a tweet came from Donald Trump
- the right and fair price to buy or sell for a particular condo unit
- the optimal number of clusters for a given set of unlabeled data

If your organization like to have a demo (either conducted in-person or on-line), please fill up the simple form below and click the Request For Demo button. We will get in touch with you shortly.
IntegrateDots reserves the sole rights to turn down a request for demo without giving any reasons.