For those clients who have been requesting for “Automating Reports with Dashboards” workshop to be held on a weekday, here’s Good News! There will be a weekday session for this popular workshop on 4 November 2016 (Friday), 10 am to 4 pm. The venue is at Kent Ridge Guild House @ National University of Singapore Society (NUSS). Lunch and tea breaks are provided.
Participants need to bring along their own laptops or macs that have certified, running copy of Microsoft Excel 2007 or later versions installed. All hands-on exercises will be done on the participants’ own laptops or macs. Here’s a synopsis of the workshop.

All previous runs of this workshop have been fully booked. Here’s what our participants have said about this workshop. Please register early to avoid disappointment.
To register for this workshop, please contact Kelly Koh at 6586 3741 or