IntegrateDots is delighted to participate in the Professional Development Series @ Singapore Management University.
On 17 October 2018 (Wed), from 7 pm to 8.30 pm, we will be delivering a live demo on Excel Dashboards & VBA Automation. In this 1.5 hours, we’ll be showcasing the use of Excel Dashboards and VBA Automation in diverse applications. With some simple cool Excel techniques, you could build awesome interactive Dashboards to wow your audience. And, with some bits of VBA code, you could improve work productivity by leaps and bounds. Be amazed, be spellbound in this live demo session!
Please note that this demo session is meant for SMU Alumni, Faculty and Staff only!
Details of this event can be found in the image below. For registration, please go to the SMU Event Calendar.

Source: SMU Events Calendar
If you cannot attend this 17 Oct session, you may request for a demo for your organization here. We also conduct live demos, talks and workshops for the general public. Please check the schedule on IntegrateDots’ Events.