Mastering Physics
Are you struggling to understand Physics? Fret no more! You have landed in the right place to get help.
We specialize in Physics for the GCE “A-level” & IBDP “Yr5-6”. No matter what’s your competency in Physics, this on-demand coaching program caters to all including the private candidates.
University bound students who have no prior tertiary-level Physics background and are required to take a Physics bridging module (e.g. NUS PC1201) are welcome too!
We are not the typical tuition center. Here’s why:-
- no long term contracts or advance payments
- only make payment for each session that you attended
- emphasis on concepts, not rote learning
- free to choose topic(s)
- free to choose time (from available slots)
- free to choose duration (minimum 1 hour)
- free to choose venue
- option for a personalized coaching plan
- option for individual or group (max 3 pax)
- option for in-person or on-line coaching
Here’s some feedback on our teaching approach.

What’s in a coaching session?
A coaching session has these features :-
- concise & clear teaching notes on key Physics concepts
- highlight and clear up common mis-concepts for the topic
- relate key concepts to real-life where applicable
- problem-solving skills and exam smart techniques
- practice solving higher order problems for the GCE “A”/IBDP exams
Coaching Rates
Payment mode can either be cash (only for in-person session), PayNow, PayLah, or bank transfer.
How to book a coaching session?
Please drop us an email on the topic(s) you need coaching and preferred time slot(s). Send your email to
We’ll revert you on the next business day with a proposed coaching plan.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here’s a compilation of frequent questions that we get asked:-
Q1 What’s the difference between tuition and coaching?
Here we’ll just talk about two key differences.
First, tuition is typically a long drawn affair. Majority of tuition centers want the student to commit to extended periods (months and years). Most times, the students are made to pay advanced tuition fees and be “locked-in”. In contrast, our coaching program is a much more focus and targeted affair. Our clients can engage us to coach them in any Physics topics. We’ll help our clients clear up the mis-concepts, impart the insights and demo problem-solving via visible thinking. Our goal is always to have the clients take as few sessions as possible, saving them time and money! We want to build up our clients’ confidence so that they could fly solo in learning Physics on their own ASAP. Instead of merely giving out the fish, we want to teach our clients how to fish, successfully and confidently!
Second, a typical tuition center is hell-bent on rote learning. At the primary and secondary level, rote learning may work. Rote-learning approach is not educating, it is training! At the pre-university and university level, rote learning will simply fail especially for a highly conceptual subject like Physics. Rote-learning is essentially pattern recognition. If the same patterns (ie questions) appear in the exams, the rote-learned students have no problem acing the exams. But what if the same patterns don’t appear in the exams? That’s precisely the crux of the problem. In the higher level international exams such as GCE “A” or IBDP, hardly any questions are repeats from past years’ exams. So, rote-learning will not work! In contrast, our coaching program focuses on deep understanding of the Physics concepts plus thinking through (i.e. integrating the dots) and applying these concepts to solve higher level problems. We stay far, far away from any pattern recognition or any forms of hot housing. Our clients are equipped to handle any exam questions.
Q2 What sets your coaches apart from the rest?
Well, for a start, all our coaches have JC or Polytechnic teaching experience in either Physics or/and Engineering subjects. And, our coaches have worked as practicing engineers in the industry before.
We believe that the tertiary lecturing coupled with real engineering work experience enables our coaches to deliver unique value propositions. Our coaches, who possess both Physics theories and practical experiences, are in a much better position to equip our clients to do well in Physics, particularly in the practical exams or planning/design questions.
Q3 How to make a Physics session effective and fun?
A typical coaching goes like this. The coach would use about 40 mins to explain key concepts for the topic of the day, share and highlight the common mis-concepts and insights. The concepts are presented on professional power point slides that have been carefully crafted for accelerated learning. Unlike a lecture, our presentation of concepts is much more engaging and personal. The client(s) would receive a copy of all slides and supplementary notes. We strongly encourage client(s) to ask questions. The more questions asked, the better it is for learning. To further reinforce certain concepts, the coach would carry out real live demo to make these concepts come alive. Learning Physics should be meaningful and fun!
After the concepts, the coach would move on to the problem solving. Clients would be coached on how to tackle questions, especially the higher level thinking questions. The clients are also free to present any of their own problem questions. We relish cracking these problem questions on the spot. It is highly beneficial for our clients to watch our thinking process in action as we tackle these problem questions. We call this approach visible thinking. If the client(s) have too many problem questions, the coach would write up and whatapps the solutions to client(s) after the session. Alternatively, the client(s) can pass these problem questions to the coach ahead of the session. Problem solving is absolutely essential in boosting up the client’s confidence in Physics.
Our Physics coaching program offers many unique value propositions. It is designed to benefit all students, including those preparing for exams as private candidates.
Q4 Besides Physics, do you offer coaching in other subjects?
No, and not in the foreseeable future. We only focus on pre-university Physics. Why? Three reasons.
One, Physics is often cited by students (and teachers too) as the most difficult Science subject. Many students need help with Physics.
Two, we are passionate about Physics and whenever possible we want to debunk the notion that Physics is a boring subject. On the contrary, we think Physics is one of the most creative, fun and practical subjects in the entire school curriculum.
Three, Physics (together with other Sciences & Engineering) is what will propel the society and country forward in the 21st century economy. There is an urgent need to get students to be interested and appreciate Science & Engineering. That’s what the STEM movement is all about. We want to do our little bit to promote Physics & Engineering.
Physics is where we want to make the greatest impact on the academic education landscape.